So since Buddy had his stitches out on Thursday I’ve started taking him out for walks. The first time I was going to take him around the block but it seemed he was really exerting himself a lot – panting like he was running and half way around the block he got really tired and wanted to sit down. So I cut through the neighbor’s yard and we came back home.
The next time I just walked him to the corner and half way up the block and back home. Then I looked back at some of the helpful suggestions you all have been posting and looked at some of the links on the website for exercise and strenghtening. I saw where it said that tripawds need to move more quickly – that it’s actually easier for them. So today I took him out for a walk and let him move as quickly as he wanted. Of course he had to stop and sniff stuff and stopped to poop (something to celebrate still!) but we went all the way around the block!

I had planned to take photos or even a video of him walking but I forgot! So I have this photo of him with his toys asking to go out the front door. I’ll get some pictures the next time I walk him.
Good to hear that Buddy is adapting well to the tripawd life. I bought one of those extend-a-leash for Franklin so that he could walk faster than me… that helped him alot!
I was told never to expect a tripawd to “heel” and they were so right. But the extend-a-leash allowed Franklin to gop in “tripawd gait” in front of me and then he would stop and sniff etc.. by then I caught up and away we would go again.
It’s hard because you want them to go for those long walks again, but they do exert more energy when they are walking… they do tire easier.
But baby steps at first to build up strength!!! You are doing great there Buddy!!
Christine.. with Franklin in her heart♥
p.s. I LOVE the look he is giving you at the front door… “puuuullleasssssssseeeee can we go out?”
Christine…. with Franklin in her heart♥