I just posted a new topic on the tips and resources forum. Esther and her angel Snoop sent us harnesses for large dogs to help me and Buddy get around. I found the one that works and it has been a wonderful help to us both. I can use it to help him get into and out of the car easily even though he is a very big dog.
In my post on the forum I am offering the harnesses we did not use to someone who needs them. I have referred anyone interested to look here for photos of the harnesses. I’m not sure how each of them works. I just tried them on Buddy and tried to lift him into the car with them until I found the one that worked!
here are what they look like. One I’m not sure if it is a harness or an extension strap for another of the harnesses?
let me know if you could use one of these.
this first one is the strap with clips and a handle that I’m not sure about
this is the one that looks like it might be a handle extension for a support vest or another harness?this one appears to be meant to go under the belly like a sling – but I’m not surethis one has two smaller straps on a padded part with the handlethis one has a padded part on top with the handle and another padded part for underneath with straps over the shoulders and another going under the belly
Buddy went back to the dog park for the first time a week ago… or the weekend before this past weekend. I took some video with my phone to share with you all. I’ve finally put it up on youtube to show you Buddy happily hopping around the dog park.
We went again this past weekend – with all the other pups in our doggy family. Buddy again enjoyed himself. But he really tires very easily and lies down. I’ve tried to encourage him to walk / hop around. But I don’t want to push him too much. It’s really hard to tell how much he can take.
I let him lie down then call him to come with me to walk a little. Then let him rest and again walk around. But he seemed really exhausted this past weekend on Sunday. I’ve always taken the dogs to the park for an hour a day when I’m home (usually 3 days a week – now just 2 days a week). When we were all younger we’d do laps around the lake at a fast clip. In recent years the little dogs can’t keep up that pace and I’ve started sitting more myself.
Buddy has to work so hard to move around now. It seems that it takes more effort for him to just go 100 yards as it used to take for him to run around the lake. How much should I be asking him to do?
Buddy with his wonderful harness that Esther and her Angel Snoop sent to us. It allows me to lift Buddy comfortably into and out of the back of the car.
OK so below you see “the stairs.” This is prime doggy territory. They line up on the top steps, each one lying along a stair looking out. They can see into the front and back of the neighbor’s yard; they can see out around our house to the front street and even across the street; they can look the other way and not only see the back alley but down the back alley for several houses distance. And they are eye-level with the birds and squirrels filling the oak, hickory and crepe myrtle trees – just a few feet away.
the stairs we have now blocked for Buddy with the bar across at the bottom.
But we don’t think it is safe for Buddy any more. Going up he could probably manage – but coming down seems like a really bad idea now. He could so easily fall and on those stairs he would break a leg. Because of his size he used to walk up and down with his front feet going up and down several steps ahead of his back feet. But he can’t do that now. And not only that but all the dogs are crowding, pushing, jostling each other rushing up or down with the two little ones running under and between the legs of the larger dogs.
We really hate to take this away from him but cannot see how we can let him do this any more. You can see in the photo we have placed a bar across the stair railings at the bottom. Stubby and the two little dogs can get up the stairs, but not Buddy or Bella.
Here he is with his new haircut with Stubby at the bottom of the stairs. He is such a handsome dog even with his old-man white face and “crewcut”
Buddy and Stubby at the bottom of the stairs. Buddy is sporting his current crewcut hair style
Buddy has been in the yard for a week now, hopping around with his little pack. It’s like he doesn’t even notice he has three legs. It really is amazing how everything seemed so hopeless just three weeks ago and now he is just doing wonderfully.
Buddy in his yard with Bella (left), Stubby (right) and neighbor friend Callie (behind him)
When he had his surgery they shaved off his fur in this square around down the middle of his back and under his stomach. So I clipped the rest of his fur short so it wouldn’t look so odd.
Buddy looking spiffy with his new short short cut. It feels good in the South Carolina August heat as well.
Here is Buddy’s pack – As you can see from the photos it is quite an odd little pack.
Stubby shakes her head while Precie and Callie wrestle and Bella fixes a new hole-nest
Stubby in front and Bella in back watch as Precie and Callie go a few more rounds together
Little monsters finally settle down, Bella settles into her hole, Stubby checks out Mommy with the camera
Excitement is over, Buddy settles down with Precie and Bella
Well I am back to work again which means I’m gone for the week and Dennis is managing all the pups and kitties again by himself. He calls every morning and every night with a report on everyone.
Yesterday (Monday) was Buddy’s first day out in the yard with the girls. The Chowchow is kind of like his mom and the hound is clearly his girl friend and the little furry monster is definitely his pesky little sister.
Dennis says Buddy is really happy to be on his own again doing whatever he wants to do, barking with the pack when anyone walks by on the street or through the back alley, lying around in the doggy holes, and greeting the neighbors. So he is a happy boy.
When I come home on the weekend we’ll start walking each day and try out the harnesses to see which one helps us get in the car and maybe even go back to the dog park!
But for the rest of the week I’ll be working so next posts will be this coming weekend. Sending lots of hugs out to you all and your wonderful pups and kitties.
So since Buddy had his stitches out on Thursday I’ve started taking him out for walks. The first time I was going to take him around the block but it seemed he was really exerting himself a lot – panting like he was running and half way around the block he got really tired and wanted to sit down. So I cut through the neighbor’s yard and we came back home.
The next time I just walked him to the corner and half way up the block and back home. Then I looked back at some of the helpful suggestions you all have been posting and looked at some of the links on the website for exercise and strenghtening. I saw where it said that tripawds need to move more quickly – that it’s actually easier for them. So today I took him out for a walk and let him move as quickly as he wanted. Of course he had to stop and sniff stuff and stopped to poop (something to celebrate still!) but we went all the way around the block!
Buddy is asking to go out. He has his blue doll and his red doll to make him even more happy
I had planned to take photos or even a video of him walking but I forgot! So I have this photo of him with his toys asking to go out the front door. I’ll get some pictures the next time I walk him.
Stitches came out today! Buddy has two little spots that haven’t closed completely. The vet said they would close up in a few days. .. just keep the area clean. So for a few days he can’t hang out in the yard with his pack. Because we live near the beach and 4 dogs living in the yard for 10 years has reduced most of the back yard to a sand lot…. that they dig holes in for doggy nests. I fill them in and they dig them out again in 24 hours. But he can sleep with them again in the porch doggy bedroom! Yay! And mommy can go back to sleeping in bed with daddy! double yay!!
Buddy without his stitches. The shave job he got makes him look like he’s wearing fur pants without his shirt!
I’ve read so many things here from people wondering if their dear furry child will be the same in some particular way that was always special. And there are those who talk about how happy they were to find their dear little one to still be just as wonderful afterwards. I had one of those things I was wondering if he would still do it with only one front paw.
He is a very big dog so I would never let him jump up on me – or anyone else. But he is big enough that he found he could sit back on his big old rump and raise up his paws and plant them right in the middle of my stomach. Technically not “jumping” as his rump was on the ground… so technically “sitting.” He would do it when he was really excited and wanted to say “HEY MOM” – or when I wasn’t paying attention and he wanted to remind me he was there and he would like some head rubs. I was wondering if he would do that still now.
Buddy pawing me. I held onto his paw so I could get a picture! That’s my stomach on the left in the bright shorts and blue shirt!
Day before yesterday, I had been working around the living room and he had gotten up to come over to me. I was standing there trying to think of what I needed to do…. not paying attention to him… when I felt that big old paw right on my middle! I looked down at him sitting back on his rump and his face saying “time to pet me”! I wanted to share that moment with you all so I called him over today and asked him to give me his paw so I could take a picture for you all.
And here is Buddy with his big Golden smile starting part 2 of his new adventure. Tonight he ate his dinner standing up at his new raised dish along with the other “kids” and later he will go to bed with them. I made him a new cover for his giant doggy pillow.
Buddy smiling to be done with this first difficult part of his new adventures