Stitches came out today! Buddy has two little spots that haven’t closed completely. The vet said they would close up in a few days. .. just keep the area clean. So for a few days he can’t hang out in the yard with his pack. Because we live near the beach and 4 dogs living in the yard for 10 years has reduced most of the back yard to a sand lot…. that they dig holes in for doggy nests. I fill them in and they dig them out again in 24 hours. But he can sleep with them again in the porch doggy bedroom! Yay! And mommy can go back to sleeping in bed with daddy! double yay!!

I’ve read so many things here from people wondering if their dear furry child will be the same in some particular way that was always special. And there are those who talk about how happy they were to find their dear little one to still be just as wonderful afterwards. I had one of those things I was wondering if he would still do it with only one front paw.
He is a very big dog so I would never let him jump up on me – or anyone else. But he is big enough that he found he could sit back on his big old rump and raise up his paws and plant them right in the middle of my stomach. Technically not “jumping” as his rump was on the ground… so technically “sitting.” He would do it when he was really excited and wanted to say “HEY MOM” – or when I wasn’t paying attention and he wanted to remind me he was there and he would like some head rubs. I was wondering if he would do that still now.

Day before yesterday, I had been working around the living room and he had gotten up to come over to me. I was standing there trying to think of what I needed to do…. not paying attention to him… when I felt that big old paw right on my middle! I looked down at him sitting back on his rump and his face saying “time to pet me”! I wanted to share that moment with you all so I called him over today and asked him to give me his paw so I could take a picture for you all.
And here is Buddy with his big Golden smile starting part 2 of his new adventure. Tonight he ate his dinner standing up at his new raised dish along with the other “kids” and later he will go to bed with them. I made him a new cover for his giant doggy pillow.